Welcome to Sportikes! A blog designed by a mother of little athletes for other mothers.

Youth Tackle Football



For those of you know that know me personally, know my boys are little, so they are currently not involved with tackle football, although they would really like to be. We do flag football each fall, more information will be posted about that later this year. However, for those that are interested, here is some info for you!

American Fork Youth Football
Registration is now open
Ages: 1st Grade-8th Grade

Lehi Youth Football
Registration now open
Ages: 1st Grade-8th Grade

Lone Peak Youth Football
Registration begins April 1st
Ages: 1st Grade-8th Grade

Pleasant Grove Youth Football
Registration is now open
Ages: 1st grade-9th Grade

Summer Sport Camps-Football


American Fork High School Football Youth Camp
Ages: 2nd Grade-8th Grade
Dates:July 27-30th

Brigham Young University

Cubs Camp
Ages: 7-10
Dates: June 20-23 or June 27-30

Junior High Camps
Grades: 6-8
Dates: June 20-23 or June 27-30

Lone Peak Youth Football
Ages:Grades 3-8
Dates:June 13-16

Sports Mechanix -UVU
Dates: June 27-30

University of Utah
Ages: 7 years old-9th Grade
Dates: June 9th-June 11th
or June 15th-17th

Utah State University
Ages:K-8th Grade
Dates: June 7th

Velocity Sports Performance
Ages: 3rd Grade-8th Grade
Dates: Lehi:July 5th-9th
Draper: July 12-16th

Feel free to post comments about any of the camps I have listed above. I want to hear from those that have been to a particular camp. This will help other moms make good decisions! Thank you!

Summer Sport Camps-Baseball



BYU Baseball Camps
Dates: July 5-8 or July 11-14
Ages: 9-14

Rocky Mountain School of Baseball: Summer Ball Camp
Dates: June 15, 16, 2011 (these are new dates)
Ages: 1st grade-12 grade
We have not done this particular camp, but we have done a pitching/hitting camp in the winter put on by Rocky Mountain Baseball, and they are all well done and high quality.

Utah Valley University-Spring Youth Camp EXPIRED
Date: April 11th
Ages: 3rd Grade -8th Grade

Lehi High School Baseball Camp
Dates: June
Ages:3rd Grade to 8th Grade

Garrett Stephenson Baseball Clinic (associated with American Fork Baseball)EXPIRED
Dates: April 30th

Feel free to post comments about any of the camps I have listed above. I want to hear from those that have been to a particular camp. This will help other moms make good decisions! Thank you!

*More information coming*

Summer Sport Camps-Soccer



Utah Women's Soccer Academy (University of Utah)
Ute Kickers
Ages: 5-12 Boys and Girls
Dates:June 13-17th, June 27- July 1st,

Advanced Academy
Ages: 9-13 Girls
Dates: June 20-23rd

REAL Salt Lake Youth Camps
Dates: Various
Ages: Boys and Girls ages 3-18

BYU Cougars Soccer Camps

Mini Cubs Camp
Ages:5-7 Boys and Girls
Dates: June 6-9

Cubs Camp
Ages:7-12 Boys and Girls
Dates: June 6-9, July 5-8

Soccer Camps
Ages: 12-18 Boys and Girls
Dates: June 13-16, July 11-14, July 18-21, July 25-28

Utah Valley University
Updated information pending

Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp
Ages: Boys and Girls Ages 3-16
Dates: Various

Lehi City Legacy Center Summer Soccer Camp
Ages: Boys and Girls 6-12
Dates: Information Pending

Pleasant Grove City Summer Soccer Camp
Ages: Boys and Girls 6-12
Dates: June 6-9, June 13-16

Sports Mechanix-Soccer

Feel free to post comments about any of the camps I have listed above. I want to hear from those that have been to a particular camp. This will help other moms make good decisions! Thank you!

Upcoming Baseball Camp-Lone Peak Baseball


Lone Peak Baseball Camp

This camp is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lone Peak High School Baseball Field on Saturday, March 26th. Each athlete will receive a t-shirt and lunch.

Learn from Coach Mike LaHargoue and his coaching staff, winners of the 2010 5A State Championship. Players will be divided by age and experience and learn in a clinic format.

Coach LaHargoue and his staff have invited all athletes ages 8-14 to attend. To register, please visit www.lpbaseball.org or http://lonepeak.baberuthonline.com and click on the "Register Players Online" link on the right side of the page. Space is limited for walk up registration. The cost for the camp is $40.

Summer Sport Camps-Basketball



Now is a great time to start thinking about registering your child for summer camps. We usually do a lot of golf, basketball, and baseball at our house, but hopefully I can be helpful for any sport you are interested in! If I am not providing info you are looking for specifically, please let me know and I will get it for you!

Most local high schools put on basketball camps for ages 3rd grade and up (this is if you are going into the third grade). They are typically the first full week right after school gets out in June. My son did the American Fork High School camp this year and LOVED it! It was a lot of fun, he did it with a lot of his friends. He learned a lot, had fun, and got to know a lot of the Varsity Basketball players for the upcoming year.

American Fork High School Boys Basketball EXPIRED
Ages: 3rd grade (going into) -12th grade

Lone Peak High School Boys Basketball EXPIRED
Dates: June 6-10
Ages:3rd grade-12th grade
Information for camp is at site above, a registration form will be available sometime after spring break (April 15), to register online, you can go to www.myschoolfees.com

Pleasant Grove High School EXPIRED
Date: June 6-10

Lehi High School-info pending

BYU Basketball Camp
Date: Various Weeks in June
Ages: 10-18 Boys
BYU Cubs Basketball Camp
Date: Various Weeks in June
Boys and Girls
Fathers and Sons Camp

Girls Basketball
Dates: June and July
Ages: 10-18 Girls

Utah Valley University Basketball Camps
Boys Basketball Camp (Put on by Men's Basketball team)
Date:June 20-24
Ages:7-17 Boys

Fundamental Camp (put on by Women's Basketball team)
Date: June 20-22
Ages: K-8th Grade

Sports Mechanix

XSI Factory

Youth Week long Camp
Date June 13th-17th
Ages 3rd grade-8th Grade (if you are going into 3rd Grade an and going into 8th grade)

My Oldest son will most likely be doing this camp.

Youth Summer Long Camp
Dates: July 5th-August 11th
Ages 3rd Grade-12th Grade (if you are going into 3rd Grade an and going into 8th grade)

Travis Hansen Little Heroes Foundation Charity Basketball camp
Dates: July 6-8
Price: $79.00
My Son did this camp last summer and loved it! The format was similar to that of a High School camp, so they learned a lot and had little competitions to win trophies at the end. He also got to meet Brandon Davies of BYU Basketball who helped with the camp.

Advantage Basketball Camp
Dates: June
Location:West High School

UTAH UTES Basketball Camps
Father & Son Camp
Junior Utes Camp in July and August

Women Utes Basketball Camps

Utah State Aggies

Westminster College

Lehi Legacy Center
Date:July 27-July 30
Ages:5-15 Boys and Girls

Pleasant Grove Rec Center
Dates: July 18-21
Ages:1st-6th Grade

Matt Harpring "Back to Basics" Basketball Camp

Feel free to post comments about any of the camps I have listed above. I want to hear from those that have been to a particular camp. This will help other moms make good decisions! Thank you!

tiny tikes


American Fork City Itty Bitty
Ages: 3-5

Pleasant Grove City
My oldest son did this when he was three and loved it! It allows the child to try out several sports and see which ones they are really interested in.

Lehi City Itty Bitty Ball (ages 3 and 4)

March-All Sports




Basketball season is over for most, so I will post more in the fall. But there are some places that offer basketball skill classes all year round, plus many camps during the summer.

xsiFactory(Formally known as Open Court or the Flash Factory)
They offer an fundamental skills class ages K-4th grade. (Boys and girls)
My two older boys have both taken this class ad have loved it. The coaches there are great with kids and very knowledgeable about the sport, sometimes slightly unorganized, but for the most part they do a good job.
*The have sessions all year round, each session is 7 weeks and is $125.00

There is also a Boys Advanced Skills class, no age is specified, but in the past it has been for 5th grade and up.
*It is $175.00 for 7 weeks

Girls Basketball skills camp
*Ages 3rd grade-8th grade
$125 for 7 weeks

There is also a Summer youth camp at xsifactory that we will be sending our son to-more info coming under Summer Camps.



My second son is my golfer. He has such a passion for it so I am always looking for golf programs, lessons, camps, and tournaments for him to participate in.

Golf Lessons
Last year, he did a Golf Academy with Gina Higbee at Fox Hollow golf course. It was once a week for 90 min for eight weeks. It was a lot of fun for him, and he definitely learned a lot. She starts as young as 6, and goes up to age 15. Gina also offers summer camps and private lessons. For more information go to www.ginahigbeegolf.com

American Fork City
Registration starts April 19th
Ages 7 and younger-18
All Classes are held on Wednesdays in the Summer.

Lehi City
Ages: 5 and up

Pleasant Grove City
Registration starts April 1st
Ages 7 and younger to 18

Junior Golf Academy (in Draper)
Lessons all year round

Simply Golf in Orem

The Art of Golf-lessons by Weston Maughan

Spring Soccer

My kids have always played North Utah County Soccer. They play on the same team they played on last fall, so there was no need to register for Soccer this Spring. They do provide a waiting list for kids that would like to start in the spring, but I just checked the website and they are no longer accepting names for the waiting list. Registration for the 2011-2012 season begins April 1st, 2011. check the website for more info.

City Rec Leagues EXPIRED (Fall Registration now available)
American Fork
Ages 3 years old-8th Grade

Swimming Lessons


It's that time of year again, when we all try to eat right and work out so we can look our best at the swimming pools this summer. You may be also thinking about putting your kids into swim lessons.
I did the public pool lessons for a little bit, which ended up being a waste of time and money. Instead I invested in swim lessons from a good friend of mine, JoD O'Neal of O'neal Aquatics. I started my oldest when he was three, my second child started at 12 months, my youngest started at 6 months. They all swim great!

*It is a private one on one lesson for 20 minutes each day. A session is 10 lessons, $15 per lesson. It is costly, but you will see results! (If they are starting out, they may need more than one session)

*I do have to warn you, they are very strict during the lessons, but kind at the same time. It may be difficult for you to watch, but JoD and her instructors do know what they are doing, and I promise your kid will learn to swim. It will all be worth it, I promise!

*Lessons are taught at her home (in Pleasant Grove) in a private pool all year round.
*For more information, you can call them @ 801-796-9673 or add O'Neal Aquatics as a friend on facebook. http://www.onealaquatics.com/

*They also offer a swim team for young children as well as older. It is very low key and a lot of fun! All of my boys have done it and have loved it!

City Pool Swim Lessons
American Fork Fitness Center

Pleasant Grove Pool

Lehi Legacy Center

Lindon Aquatics Center

Baseball Spring 2011



City Leagues
Ages 6-12
American Fork Baseball league was a league recommended to me by a friend and we have enjoyed our experience with them. My oldest son started in kindergarten in the Rookie League which Machine Pitch, and played in that league for 3 years (age 6-8).
My 6 year old son will be starting in this league this spring.
* Games start in late April and end in June.
*There is a draft done each year to divide the teams evenly, and there is also a tournament at the end of the season, as well as an opportunity play on an All-star team.
*This is a little more competitive league than your typical rec baseball league.
*There are Minor and Major leagues as well, that are kid-pitch leagues.

Ages 4-15 T-ball and Baseball
I have had one son that played last year in this league when they had a coach pitch division. As far as I can see, they are no It was a great experience for him, and well organized.

Rec Leagues
Ages 5-18, Boys Girls T-ball, Baseball and Softball
I have had 2 sons play American Fork City T-ball at age 5, it was a fun and positive experience for both of them. They were both put on teams with kids that lived in their area, it was a fun way for them to meet kids and make new friends.

Ages: Kindergarten -8th Grade T-ball and Baseball

Ages: T-ball: 4-5
Coach Pitch:6-7
Machine Pitch:7-8

Ages 3rd Grade-12th Grade Baseball
Ages 6 and 7 Coach Pitch Summer Baseball

Ages 4-5 Summer T-Ball
I have 2 sons that started here for t-ball because Pleasant Grove offered it younger that any other city, now Alpine, Highland, and Cedar Hills offer T-ball at age 4 as well. I have an almost 4 year old who will be playing in one of these leagues next year. These leagues are great for those little kids that have older brothers that play baseball, and they are anxious to be like them and get started with the sport!

Super Leagues (My oldest this league on is playing in, very competitive.)
Rocky Mountain School of Baseball

Utah Select Baseball

Utah Union Baseball

Baseball Classes or Lessons
Ultimate Sports in Lindon

Fundamental Skills Class (2 days week) $85.00 a month
Ages 6-12
My son has taken this class in the past during the colder months to keep him playing. He loved it, the coaches there make it a lot of fun. Class sizes were about 8-10.

Private Lessons:for more information check the website or call 801-796-1130